Thursday, September 20, 2012

NativeJuicer PRCJ500 Professional Variable Speed Juicer

NativeJuicer PRCJ500 Professional Variable Speed Juicer

Product By NativeJuicer

Lowest Price $219.00

at of 20 Sep 2012
*Note : Prices of the product may not be the latest update. You can check current prices at this button.

Technical Details

  • Variable Speed Controls to maximize juice yield
  • Powerful 800 watt motor
  • Stainless steel body and stainless steel blades
  • Works great for kale, apples, carrots
  • Grips a counter top surface to make juicing easier

Product Description

As previewed in Consumers Digest Feb 2011 - the juice extractor with the most speed settings and highest speed range.

You've selected the best quality juicing and blending machines when you purchase from Native Juicer. We engineer these machines with your health and ease of use at the top of our design criteria "Must Haves". Although you can use our machines for a multitude of different applications, the very specific use of everything we make is designed for making juices and smoothies in the most efficient and effective manner possible. You can make a margarita in our blender, but the specific design of the pitcher, blade and motor are for blending fruits and vegetables for your health.

Our Professional juicer has a very unique and helpful design that no other juicer has... the variable speed dial. When you are juicing fruits and vegetables, you'll want to get the most amount of juice out of the fruits and veggies you are using. "Yield" is the term we use to describe the amount of juice you can extract from a fruit of vegetable. All juicers are not the same. Blade speed & design, and quality of the stainless steel mesh screen all come together produce good or not so good juices. Our unique and one of a kind variable motor will allow you to set the speed of the spinning blade specific to the fruit or vegetable you are "juicing". Softer produce like tomatoes and watermelon are best juiced at a lower speed to prevent "foaming" of the juice. Harder produce like carrots need a faster speed to get the best yield. Use this handy chart below to get you started. You'll figure it out for all other fruits and vegetables as you get started.##))

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